Our Story
During the height of the pandemic, in gloomy Seattle
Where the constant rain, Covid restrictions and the infamous "Seattle Freeze" made it hard to meet new people, let alone find a real connection. Neither of us had high hopes for online dating, but we decided to give it one last try.
That’s when we matched on Bumble, a dating app where women have to make the first move. Our match was about to expire—with literally just two minutes left on the countdown! Leina sent the message, Stefan replied, and that small step turned into something neither of us ever expected. Suddenly, the gloom of Seattle didn’t feel so heavy anymore. It seemed as though the city went from gray to color once we met.
And the rest is history…
Fast forward four years, and we’re best friends who love exploring the world together, learning more and more about each other’s cultures, and enjoying every step of this journey called life. Along the way, we’ve lived in three countries together—starting in the U.S., then taking the leap to move in together in Canada, and now calling Romania our home for the time being. Stefan proposed on a trip to Japan, Leina’s motherland and a place close to her heart.
And as for where we’ll go next? We’re excited to find out together!
Our Adventures Across the Globe
Our Adventures Across the Globe